Reading the Bible

Have you always wanted to read through the whole Bible? Do you struggle to find time for regular Bible study? This page contains a number of ideas, ranging from printable and online reading plans, daily study notes, podcasts and mobile phone apps.
We want everyone to have access to the God's word, the Bible. If you don't own your own Bible, please ask any member of the ministry team.
Recommended for 2025
This year we are recommending Quiet Time Kick Start from the Good Book Company - 6 weeks to kick start the habit of reading the Bible daily. We have a few copies, please contact the office.
There are many other notes and reading plans published by The Good Book Company, in addition to the Kick Start plan.
More to consider in 2025
Ligonier Ministries have a list of 20 Bible reading plans updated for 2025 - well worth a look to see what suits you. Some are 1 year duration, others are flexible. They are all free and downloadable as PDFs.
Tim Challies, from Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto has also compiled a list of recommended plans and devotionals for 2025.
Or... keep scrolling below for more ideas!
Bible Reading Plans
St John's Bible Reading Plan
Click here to download a Bible reading scheme that enables you to read the whole Bible at your own pace. Depending on how much time you have, you can read the whole Old Testament in a year and the New Testament in six months. If you have less time, you can choose a more manageable pace. Just follow the instructions on the printable PDF.
Alternatively, simply return to this page every day and use the Bible Reading Plan box on the left (or below on our mobile site) to read or listen to each day's passage - just click the name of the passage to read or the little loudspeaker symbol to listen. It will update automatically each week.
DA Carson has written an excellent two-volume companion to this Bible reading scheme, which is already used by several people in church.
The daily notes are available free of charge on The Gospel Coalition website - click here for a direct link to the notes.
You can buy the books at various bookshops, in paper and ebook formats, including The Good Book Company and Amazon.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a well-established on-line Bible. You can read many different translations with reading plans, commentaries and devotionals. They have many reading plans for reading the Bible in a year.
There is also Bible Gateway app for iPhone/iPad, Android and Amazon Fire.
YouVersion is a free app, without ads, that provides a copy of the Bible for your mobile phone or tablet (iPhone/iPad and Android). You can also read the Bible at without an app. Alexa and Google Home are supported too.
It also comes with a wide range of reading plans, which you can read yourself or there is an audio version available that will read it for you. The choice of translations is very comprehensive.
Another good online Bible, with lots of different versions including the NIV in English and the Bible in Traditional Chinese (Traditional Chinese Union Version).
Bible Apps and Podcasts
Maybe you spend too much time driving, walking, in the kitchen or in the gym? Do you want your smartphone to remind you to read the Bible? Here's two links to Bible reading podcasts and mobile phone apps - these are free and well worth trying.
Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel - HTB Church
Holy Trinity Brompton in London have a Bible reading app that takes you through the Bible in a year, called "The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel", available for IOS and Android.
You can also get the daily readings delivered via email or simply read them on the Bible in One Year website.
There are classic, express and young peoples options.
Bible Project - Read Scripture
The Bible Project publish an app called Read Scripture.
It is a year-long Bible reading plan which supplements the readings with amazing videos from the Bible Project, that explain every book of the Bible, major theological themes of the gospel, and tips on how to read the Bible.
For an alternative approach, you may like to try the new Bible Dojo study tool.