For ages 5 to 11, we have a range of activities centered around an active and well-attended Sunday School.
5th Hartford Brownies St John's have been our affiliated Brownie pack since early 2014. The Brownies attend a few services
each year including our annual Remembrance Day Service in November (church attendance is not compulsory, but as many Brownies as possible are encouraged to come along). Each term we extend a special invitation to the Brownies (and their parents!) to
join us in Church for a special ‘all age’ service.
Occasionally members of St John's staff will visit, often around Christmas or Easter, doing a talk and helping to run activities.
We are excited to have this link and be able to get together regularly.
To join Brownies please register your interest on the national Girl Guiding website - this website is also a source of general information about Brownies.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes run most Sundays during term time - except when it is 'Kids all Together' (see below) or an 'All Age' service.
There are five classes:
- Scramblers (3-5s)
- Climbers (6s and 7s, School Years 1-2)
- Adventurers (8s and 9s, School Years 3-4)
- Explorers (10s and 11s, School Years 5-6)
- Pathfinders (11-14s, School Years 7-9).
All Sunday school classes take place in the Church Centre, but children meet in Church first. All children over three begin the 10am service in Church with their families. After a song, a short talk and a prayer, they meet with their Sunday School teachers in the Church Extension. Children are then walked down to the Church Centre by their Sunday School teachers.
At the end of their lesson, the children are brought back up to Church and they re-join the service. One of the classes will give feedback about what they have been learning, and then all children will return to their families.
Kids All Together
Kids All Together (KAT) takes place during the 10am morning service in holiday times.
It brings together all children in the 3-11 (Primary School) age group to do the same teaching as the adults in church but at a level appropriate to them. All children start off in Church with their families for a song, short introduction to the teaching and a prayer.
They then meet their leaders in the Church extension and are walked down to the Church Centre.
Kids All Together lasts for up to an hour and then all children are brought back to Church to share what they have been learning. There is always singing and dancing, a memory verse and some kind of an activity for the children to complete.